
Dr. Rajesh Saxena (Ex. Senior Principal Scientist & Head, CEBT)

Senior Principal Scientist & Head, Centre for Excellence in Biotechnology (CEBT), Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory (PTCL), Quality Assurance Laboratory (QAL), Forestry and Environment division, Remote Sensing Applications Centre, and Prof. T.S. Murthy S & T field Station, Obeidullaganj, Dist. Raisen, MP, Madhya Pradesh Council of Science & Technology,  Govt. of M.P.


Biotechnology (Rural biotechnology applications, Tissue culture), Organic farming / Natural farming, Aromatic & Medicinal Plants, Rural development (Rural Empowerment/ Rural Livelihood /Rural skill development/Rural Technology, Artisans related issues), Watershed related issues, Remote Sensing Applications (Natural resource management / disaster management), Telemedicine, public aspects, Environment and forestry/wild life related issues/sectors, Biodiversity conservation, EIA, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) related issues/projects, HRD Development /trainings / lectures (on related subjects /fields).


  • Recognition Award in recognition of outstanding academic contribution and achievements in the field of Life Sciences. Awarded on the occasion of 8th Annual Session of SLS and International Conference on “Recent Advances in Life Sciences for Betterment of Environment and Human Health” Organized by Govt. Holker Science College, Indore (M.P.) from 14-15 December, 2019.
  • Recipient of Environmentalist of the Year 2016 award given by Environment & Social welfare Society, India, Khajuraho (An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization) for the best work done in the field of Environment & Biodiversity conservation.
  • Best Biodiversity Park Award 2016 & 2014, Given by M.P. Biodiversity Board, Govt. of M.P.
  • Fellow of Society of Life Sciences (FSLSc.) awarded, 2013
  • Best Biodiversity Park Award 2011, Given by M.P. Biodiversity Board, Govt. of M.P.
  • M.P.C.S.T. Best Team award 2007