Vikas Singh Baghel
Founder & Chief Editor
We are into a strange world nowadays due to 2nd wave of COVID – 19, which is more deadly as it is into community transmission, so now lakhs of people getting positive every day and the deaths now in hundreds. It is significantly very correct that we were not ready or prepared for this level anyway despite of almost a year time in 2nd major strike. The precautions, arrangements, preparedness etc. were not in order to combat this in anyway and it exposed our completely fragile system and response which neither was nor is in any situation of managing it without great damage to
our country in all ways. The water has gone over our head and we all are suffocating in different ways, even the cremation centers or cemeteries are unable to perform our last rituals properly everyone seems helpless here waiting for some godly magic.We are importing Oxygen and other medical facilities from other countries including medicines and vaccines which we were exporting near the end of 2020. In spite of lot of warnings from different health agencies, we were taking the pandemic for granted.
We need to get together and back ourselves for this critical phase, getting out unharmed will be the lifetime achievement for everyone. We with this edition of our magazine are coming out with light content on Environment, Forest and Climate Change. Nature is fascinating for all in different ways like forests, Rivers, Plants, Animals, Oceans etc. Everything has its natural importance, and they contribute in their ways to run the Ecosystem. Environmental journalism is the need of the hour to sensitize everyone and keep them updated about the deeds of Nature either good or bad to understand the reaction of nature over our actions. Human – wildlife conflict was always there from ages as we evolved into a civilization and will remain in future too as we are getting inside the forest for our needs as well as greed. It is very important to use the nature and its offerings wisely and need to search for Eco Ideas to tackle the climate change or at least not contribute much. Our wetlands are too depleting due to many reasons and hence we are witnessing the decline in migratory and other wetland birds.
The herbs and other medicinal plants have been boon in these critical times. We need to get back to our traditional knowledge, which is well connected to Nature, as we already are home to almost all kind spices and herbs and of Ayurveda – the traditional way of curing through different types of plant extracts. We need to conserve the areas having the diversity of medicinal plants and herbs so that they could be available for our coming generations. We have some beautiful forests full of these and southern India famous for Spices all over the world. Probably we are going through the worst time of our life, but it will pass, we need to stay put and healthy maintaining all COVID Protocols, by which we can break the chain of spreading and eventually get over with.
Nature has solution to every problem and this problem (Pandemic) is created by us only. It is taking time more than we expected and is affecting everything globally and outcome of this will be affecting us for years to come, either emotionally or economically. We need to learn lesson from this and shift to as much as we can for a sustainable Living and Development, praise nature for what we have and try replenishing it through eco drives and saving it from over exploitation and giving it time for selfrestoration.