
Sanjeevi Prasad

I have played various roles in the Information Technology industry since July 1992. The overall expertise covered Training / Learning, Mentoring, Business Analysis, IT Solutions and Writing. The marketing & sales text contents written by me have been appreciated globally. Various types of content have been written for organizations targeting a wide variety of audiences belonging to corporate/executive/management teams, marketing & sales teams, consulting companies, IT & BPO/ITeS industry, universities, IT education centres etc. The text contents have been used as elements of RFP responses/proposals, marketing & sales collaterals, websites, books, user manuals and courseware.

The writing skills have enabled me to play the role as a Co-Editor of SNHC Journal. I hope that the articles written in the journal in this role have motivated the readers, especially the youth, to spend more time with Nature than they have done earlier.

Being with Nature itself makes us understand the importance of conserving and enhancing the presence of trees, plants, animals and other elements of Nature. It makes us lose our egos and be the integral elements of Nature. This has been the overall theme in my writings for the journal until now.

I am also hoping that my writings motivate the corporate audience to actively contribute to Nature conservation through their respective CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) projects.