Water Water Everywhere ! Not A Drop to Drink
By Aniket Ramesh Babar
Water is the most precious resource we have on our planet. Water is life and even our Earth is named after it; Blue Planet. Life originated in the oceans more than 800 Million years ago
Oceans are life supporting systems and regulate the climate. Our survival ultimately depends upon healthy oceans. As Dr. Sylvia Earle says, “No oceans, No us”
In the last 50 years (that is since we ventured to the Moon), the human population on Earth has doubled and with that there is a growing need for food and water. About 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. Of that, only 1.2% can be used as drinking water; the rest is locked up in glaciers, ice caps and permafrost or buried deep in the ground. Climate change and global warming are affecting the ecosystems and the life of all forms. We are in the midst of sixth mass extinction, many species getting extinct every-day. We are losing bio-diversity at immense rates and since the industrial revolution, more carbon is being pumped in the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels and oils. This has led to a warmer planet.
The climate crisis needs today’s world’s attention. As oceans get warmer; the natural calamities like storms, hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons become more intense and occur more frequently leading to flash floods in cities thereby disrupting the lives of millions. Many Islands which used to exist are underwater due to global sea level rise. India has witnessed the effects of climate change and needs more than 400 billion US dollars to address it. In the recent of events, the Chennai mega floods caused havoc with extreme level of continued rains. It was worst flooding in the century.
These kind of natural calamities hit people hard leaving them with no food, electricity and yet no water to drink. Ironically, the next year Chennai faced severe draught which made the water By Aniket Ramesh Babar crisis even worst. The ground water table is an important source of drinking water. In-fact data shows that groundwater is the most reliable source of drinking water for nearly 43% of the rural population in the country. Bangalore, city in the state of Karnataka has lost most of its green cover i.e. trees, thereby depleting precious ground water table. The disrupted s eason cycle and monsoons lead to uneven rainfall distribution and even less rains many-a-times than expected. Another example of devastating floods occurred in India was in the state of Uttarakhand in the year 2013 due to a mid-day cloud burst centered on the north Indian state. It was the worst natural disaster since the 2004 Tsunami.
Improper city planning and constant unnecessary development by destroying precious eco-systems like mangroves and forests are costing humans more than ever. The natural world needs protection as they protect us from natural disasters. India has 22 out of 30 most polluted cities with less than 50% of the population in India has access to safe drinking water. There is a need to raise awareness amongst people and every individual needs to do their bit in saving precious water. Fresh water is very precious and not only is used for drinking but also for irrigation, manufacturing and power plants etc.
Water is a resource we cannot afford to waste as the future depends on it. We need to adopt more sustainable lifestyle and re-use water in every way we can. The future without water is hard to imagine because the future doesn’t exist without water.