Emergence of Rural Tourism in Baghelkhand region : A Geographical Study
By Rajendra Prasad Singh, Pramod Kumar Singh
Abstract : The most important purpose of tourism development is economic and social development of the tourism in Baghelkhand region. Those who have crazy for knowledge about traditional ways of living art, and crafts can possibly be attracted to visit the village life of India. Rural tourism is a greatest potential benefits is its ability to generate money, which can translate into numerous positive economic opportunities for local and their communities. For locals the first benefits of tourism development is job within the tourism sector and outside of it. Tourism growth potential can be harnessed as a strategy for Rural Development. Under the 10th five year plan, Thrust has been given to promote rural tourism as the primary tourism and its socio– economic benefits to rural Baghelkhand regions.
Keywords : Baghelkhand, tourism, rural tourism, development.
Introduction :
Baghelkhand region is a mountainous range in central India that covers the North-Eastern region of Madhya Pradesh and a small area of South-astern Uttar Pradesh. It is surrounded by the Indo-Gangetic plain in the north and east, Bundelkhand in the west and Vindhya range in the south. Baghelkhand region got its name from Baghel king. The region in Madhya Pradesh is also known as Vindhya region. On Map its location is 23040’ N to 240 35’ N latitude and 8005’E to 820 47’E longitudes. Baghelkhand region in Madhya Pradesh comprises of Satna, Rewa, Sidhi, Shahdol, Umaria and Singrauli district of the Madhya Pradesh.
People goes to place for different reasons such as temporary change of locations, relaxations, recreations, getting acquainted with tradition and spending the leisure time. Now day’s rural tourism has turned into a leading economic activity and study a positive relationship between developing rural tourism and an increase in income. It can be a suitable way to enhance economic advantage and employment. Considering the potentials for rural tourism, Baghelkhand Region can act to enhance its economy and rural economy as well.
The government of late as realize what the rural India can offer to the world. The tenth five year plan has identified tourism as one of the, major source for generating employment and promoting sustainable livelihoods. The Ministry of tourism Government of India is implementing Rural Tourism Scheme to promote village tourism as the primary tourism product to spread tourism and its socio – economic benefits to rural and its new geographic regions in India. The primary beneficiaries are rural communities (especially women unemployed youth), PRI representatives, tourists etc. Under the 10th five year plan thrust has been given to promote village tourism as the primary tourism product to spread tourism and its socio economic benefits to rural and its new geographic regions. The State UT / Government submitted proposals for promotion of rural tourism in their respective states. After short listing the proposals, the State /UT government were requested to draw up a detailed plan of actions. For creations and improvement of infrastructure at the selected sites, various activities has been undertaken Improvement of surrounding of the village which include landscaping, development of parks, fencing compound wall etc; improvements of roads within the Panchayat limits; illuminations in the village; provisions for improvement in solid waste management and sewerage management; procurement of equipments directly related to tourism, like water sport adventure sports, eco – friendly modes of transport for moving with in the tourism zones; refurbishment of the monuments; signage receptions centers; tourist accommodations and other work /activities directly related tourism.
Various activities at the selected sites that have been undertaken include the base line survey of the site ; enhancing the local community awareness of the tourism process ; gender sensitizations capacity building design input related to art & craft skills, cultural &natural heritage ; Gurukul process capacity building for various aspects of visitors handling convergence with other planning scheme in the site environment care and access to cleaner technology with local material local skills and local traditional styles marketing convergence including the travel trade for domestic and international visitors.
Any form of tourism that showcase the rural life art cultural and heritage at rural locations there by benefiting the local community economically and socially as well as enabling interactions between the tourist and the local for more enriching tourism experience can be termed as rural tourism. Rajesh K. Aithwal has given another definition. “Rural Tourism is a form of tourism in which the guest gets to enjoy the unique culture of village life through participation in events or experiencing the local cuisine, or buying ethnic goods, and in the process also improve the welfare of the local people.”
Objectives :
Baghelkhand lies in its village nearly 95 % of the total geographical area of Baghelkhand constitutes rural areas in which 85 % of total population lives. It has a great potential to attract tourist to diversity of its tourist sites spread all over the region. But rural tourism in Baghelkhand is not in priority. Very few study have been done In Baghelkhand to garb the potential of Baghelkhand tourism, so researchers want to examine the levels of rural tourism in Baghelkhand. In this way the present exercise attempts to attain the following objectives during the cause of researches.
The objective of the study case are
To make the clear the concepts of rural tourism and its significance in the current scenario.
To recognizing the capabilities and potentials of rural tourism in Baghelkhand.
To understand the potential of Rural Tourism.
To identify the impacts of rural tourism.
To identify the challenges in rural tourism.
To offer the suggestions and make recommendations.
To find out the impact of Rural Tourism to our society.
Methodology :
The present study consists of several parts. Primary data was collected through interviews and observations method. The respondents were the members of NGOs, Villagers of Baghelkhand.
The source of this study is based on the data published by Ministry of tourism and other informations available through Internet. On the other hand secondary data was collected from various books, Journals, Internet, Newspapers, Report of Ministry of Tourism and also Parliamentary Communities etc.
Current tourism Scenario in India :
India has already made a place on worlds tourism map because of its great potential to attract tourist to diversity of tourist sites spread all over the country. According to the Benchmarking Report 2015, published by World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), 23 millions jobs directly generated by India’s travel and tourism sectors are more than those generated by education, financial services, mining, chemicals, manufacturing and auto manufacturing combined. In month of June 2015 thirteen lakhs foreign tourist have arrived in India and registered a growth of 1.8 % over the same month of previous year. The year wise comparison of foreign tourist arrival in India in the month of June and it is apparent that foreign tourist arrival in India has increased steadily in the month of June over the year. However it is also worth mentioning that growth of foreign tourist arrival in India has slowed drastically. In June 2014 foreign tourist arrival in India has registered a growth of 11.97 % over June 2013 that has declined to 1.8% as mentioned before in June 2015. Similarly cumulative foreign tourist arrival in India from January–May 2015 has registered a growth of 3.64% over January – May 2014. The absolute number of foreign tourist arrival in Indian during January–June 2015 and 2014.
Rural Tourism scenario in India :
Rural tourism is gaining importance in Indian Tourism with its economics and social benefits. It is estimated that Rs. 4300 crore additional revenue can be generated through rural tourism. It is going to play a vital role in bridging the gap between rural & urban India. The 10th five year plan notified Tourism as one of the major source for generating Employment & promoting sustainable livelihood. The union Ministry of Tourism in collaborations with UNDP has launched the Endogenous Tourism Project in the year 2004, link to the existing rural tourism scheme of the government. The UNDP has committed $ 2.5 Million for the project UNDP will help in areas of capacity building, involvement of NGOs, local communities and artisans forge strong community private and public sector partnership.
The government has decided to develop necessary infrastructure for facilitating rural tourism. So far the Ministry of Tourism, The Government of India, with the help of state tourism department has identified 31 villagers across the country as tourist sites and providing Rs. 50,000 lakhs as a financial assistance for each project. Besides an additional amount of Rs. 20 lakhs would be provided for developing logistic facilities and starting community participation centers through SHGs.
Significance of rural tourism in Baghelkhand :
Baghelkhand has a diversity of rural residential area and tourist attracting sites. Rural Tourism gives a sense of a noble cause. It is a one form of sustainable tourism. When any state or region in India develops rural tourism, it is always beneficiary to rural area in term of productivity, employments, health, rural environment and culture community involvement and a path for admiring traditional beliefs and values to modern times. A rural tourism greatest potential benefit is its ability to generate money, which can translate into numerous positive economics opportunities for local and their communities. For local the first benefit of tourism development is jobs within the tourism sectors and outside of it. Because of having the Natural landscaps and Historical background, Baghelkhand can turn into an important local and international tourist center. Being on the cross section point of several other provinces, proximity to the capital suitability of the roads, convenience and a variety of sports of among the most important factors in the development of tourism in this province.
Special geographical conditions and climate as well as status of topography, geography and geomorphology signify the unique potential of Baghelkhand in ecotourism. However tourism and natural tourism specially (eco tourism) have not developed. If the potential of tourism are rightfully exploited, there would be a possibility to enhance the poor villages which are the traditional protectors of their surrounding, besides having various regional and national advantages. Further more, eco tourism can bear positive and negative effect for the nature and the environment, which indicate the necessity for planning and supervising to remove the negative consequences and strengthen the positive effect on the environment.
Tourism development means more income and profits for tourist related business. The economic multiplier model suggests that if local income from tourist expenditure is spent with in local area, an increase in local & jobs will follow.
The following item will highlight the significance of rural Tourism in M.P.
The concept of the rural tourism is definitely helpful &effective for state like Madhya Pradesh where a sizeable population lives in a village. Different villages have different types of tourism resources, which is scattered in the entire state.
Rural tourism can check & stop flow of people to migrate in cities. The gradual expansions of cities & urbanization sometime allure the people to migrate from rural to urban areas. Rural tourism can be one of the important aspects which can provide a solution to this problem.
Sometime the rural economies adversely get affected due to increase input costs and decrease income. Numbers of debt –ridden farmer are forced to commit suicides. Systematic efforts to promote a rural tourism as subsidiary occupations can attract this trend with balanced regional development.
A notable advantage of rural tourism compared to other types of economics activity for combating rural poverty is that as the customer travel to the rural destinations , there exits an opportunity for a direct economic linkage between the tourist and the rural poor, for example through the selling and buying of handicrafts.
Small scale enterprise development added by micro –finance scheme has a significant potential for enhancements of rural livelihood opportunities.
This concept has the tremendous potentiality to attract the investor in rural areas (Farm house, Agro based Industry, Organic fertilizer & rural development schemes).
Promotion of harmony & understanding. Restoration of culture. Environmental preservations. Community development.
Suggestions for the development of rural tourism in Baghelkhand :
Inspiring for infrastructural activity for rural development and enhancing transportations networks as well as productions and supply of the needed goods for the visitors.
Development of tourism through the trips within and outside the Baghelkhand besides visiting different areas.
Establishing tourism complexes in attractive areas of Rewa, Satna, Shahdol, Sidhi, Umariya Anuppur and Singrauli districts.
Establishing appropriate service for the local visitors in the forest, mountainous and fare weather areas.
Establishing permanent exhibitions for the handicraft in Baghelkhand.
Active participations in the local and national exhibitions and introducing attractions.
M.P. government support for investing in rural tourism.
Creating and spreading fixed and mobile telephone network in the tourist areas of Baghelkhand.
Holding training courses to raise the villager’s public awareness on the advantage of tourism and enhancing the greeting styles of the visitors.
Introduction of TV program on the natural and historical attraction of Baghelkhand villages.
Holding seminar and conferences in the village with tourist spots and introducing the attractions to the people.
Placing skill full guides at the entrance of the cities and villages with tourist spots.
Creating camps in the spots such as historical and archeology centers and holy places.
Enhancing transportation in the tourist areas.
Advising the people on the visit to the villages in short term occasions and spending their spare time.
Motivating the local visits to rural and state areas.
Planning development and management of rural tourism based on the principles of stable development throughout Baghelkhand.
Providing the public facilities such as water electricity, communication, garbage collection, sitting prayer, holes and public lavatories to support and enhance the principle areas of rural tourism development.
Establishing the tourist cottage and traditional café in villages with spots.
Motivating the private sector through decrees or removal of taxes for better investment in villages with spots throughout the province.
Enhancing the public transportations on public of all these, spring and summer.
Persuading the private sector in managing the areas and designing ecotourism plans.
Initiating university field of tourist management, traveler’s services and tourism in bachelors and master level in Rewa and other universities throughout the country.
Broadening linking roads of Baghelkhand that the neighboring states of U.P. and Chhattisgarh.
Building Hamlets around the intact landscapes and historical places.
Using the experience the other states or other region on attracting visitors.
Providing the ground for rural employments through enhancing tourist attractions spots.
Challenges facing rural tourism in Baghelkhand :
Negative propaganda against tourism in Baghelkhand.
Weakness in research and training in the development of rural tourism in Baghelkhand, Not enough national and state level advertisement for attracting visitors.
Not having infrastructures in rural tourism in Baghelkhand.
Lack of Co- operation among the organizations for tourism in the Baghelkhand.
Not having the trained employees in tourism throughout the Baghelkhand.
Not enough financial support for developing and providing equipment for the rural tourist centers.
Lack of residential facilities in rural areas.
No private sector inclinations to invest in tourism sections.
Disagreements on the laws and regulations for attracting the tourists throughout the Baghelkhand.
No solid Health structures and network for water, electricity, telephone and like through out the rural spots.
Lack of services centers.
Cultural clash with the villages with tourist spots.
Lack of system for tourist management and IT in tourism.
Not enough public transportation along with in appropriate roads to access the rural centers.
No access to needed goods in the villages.
Incomplete executions of the leading rural plans.
Undesirable physical aspects of most villages.
Villages being scattered throughout the Baghelkhand.
Lack of attentions to the creations of grounds for the rural employments and removal of seasonal unemployment of the villagers.
Lack of attentions to the potential opportunities in the villages and designing plans to take advantage of them.
Characteristics of rural Tourism :
Sparsely populated locations. Predominant natural environment. Focus on outdoor activities.
Small establishment with mainly part time involvement by the local community.
Local owned enterprises.
Seasonal and local events.
Conclusions :
If a proper planning is done rural tourism could bring a lot of benefits to our society. It could be sustainable revenue – generating project for the rural people of our state. It can help inflow resources from urban to the rural economy. It can also prevent migration of rural people to urban. Both short term and long term planning implementing and monitoring are vital in avoiding damage to rural areas also. On the other hand environmental management, sustainable development, local people participations & realistic planning are crucial factors for the development of rural tourism in Madhya Pradesh.
Rural tourism will emerges as an important instrument for sustainable human development including poverty alleviations, employment generations, environmental regenerations and development of remote areas and advancement of women and other weaker sections of the society.
Because of having the natural’s landscapes and historical background, Baghelkhand can turn into an important local and international tourist center. Being on the cross sections point of several other provinces, proximity to the capital, and suitability of the roads, convenience and a variety of spots of among the most important factors in the development of tourism in this province. Special geographical conditions and climate as well as status of topography, geography, and geomorphology signify the unique potential of Baghelkhand in eco tourism. However tourism and natural tourism specially (ecotourism) have not developed. IF the potential of tourism are rightfully exploited, there would be a possibility to enhance the poor villages which are the traditional protectors of their surroundings, besides having a various regional and national advantages.
The cultural relations among the nations which have taken place through the tourism industry and acquaintance with the cultural heritage can bear a undesirable as well as peace full consequences. Therefore preserving cultural values in any society or country must be a priority when designing national plans. The historical remnants treasures and documents of high cultural values are supposed to be preserved and fairly protected to be passed on to the future generations. If there is no special plan to protect this area, which leads to the destructions of the intact rural environment and endangers the social security through time. Therefore, the government must have planned to prevent the destructions of the natural environment.
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