National Conference on Lesser
Known Species of MP
Inaugral Session
Inaugral Speech by Chief Guest Sir
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Must submit original research work/content and need to notify if published somewhere earlier ...
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Reader's Response

Mr Manohar Mamtani
Chairperson (Acting), MP Human Rights Commission
Congratulations. You are continuously working on Nature by sensitising all concerned. Good initiative that also in English.
Simultaneously Hindi version or combined version by including important and useful Hindi articles also may be more effective for our MP state and other adjoining Hindi speaking States.
My best wishes

Rajesh Mangal
( Secretary Wildlife & Nature Conservancy, Indore )
I am delighted to read both the editions and I congratulate the entire team for bringing such a nice compilation and the efforts made by the editorial team.
The article on Pardhi Reformation is an best example of NGOs and State Govt that joint efforts .

Mr Varun Kapoor
IPS, ADG MP Police
Hi Vikas, I received the physical copy of your magazine a few days back. It was impressive!
Take care!
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