Dalchini – Cinnamomum zeylanicum
By R K Nigam
Cinnamomum has heating effect on body, whose evergreen trees of around 10-15 meter height are found in abundance in Ceylon Shree-Lanka. Cinnamomum is also found in the Malabar region of South India, but the Cinnamomum found in Sri-Lanka is of best quality. Its leaves are known as bay leaves and oil is extracted from the leaves, roots and Cinnamomum bark.
Cinnamomum trees are reproduced from seeds and grafting process. In every rainy season the bark is removed from the tree of 2 years of age. The main tree dies after removing the (chhaal) bark, but from the main stem 6 to 7 new branches come out to form a new tree from which again bark can be removed every 2 years.
There are 3 types of Cinnamomum available according to Nighantu Aadarsh:
- Cinnamomum zeylanicum
- Cinnamomum tamala
- Cinnamomum cassia
The bark of Cinnamomum trees is used in spices as well as medicine, which is sold by wrapping with the hand in the shape of thin drains of 1 meter length. Which Cinnamomum we should use and up to what quantity is mentioned as follows:
What Difference between Ceylon Cinnamomum and Cassia Cinnamomum
- There are two main type of cinnamon – ceylon and cassia.
- Cassia cinamon is very rich source of coumarin . cassia contains approximately 1% coumarin , while ceylon cinnamon contains only 0.004% or 250 times less .Therfore , if you regularly eat a lot of cinnamon then it should be ceylon dalchini and not cassia dalchini .
- Cassia cinnamon tastes stronger and hotter while ceylon cinnamon is full of lighter , brighter citreous tones . ceylon cinnamon is tan brown whereas cassia cinnamon takes some reddish brown.
- Ceylon cinnamon contains anti –inflammatory , antioxidant and antimicrobial effects. These properties mean ceylon cinnamon supports your immune health . ceylon cinnamon was part of a study that showed it enhanced antioxidant enzyme activity.
- Use of big amount of cassia dalchini is very dangerous for liver due to it contains high amount of coumarin.
- Ceylon Cinnamomum is the best and is little bit expensive. In India usually cheap Cassia Cinnamomum is found everywhere, which is not better than Ceylon Cinnamomum.
- Cumarin is found in Cinnamomum. In Cassia Cinnamomum, the amount of cumarin is much higher than that of Ceylon Cinnamomum. Researches shows that high intake of cumarin is harmful for liver. Therefore, consuming more Cassia Cinnamomumis not beneficial but Ceylon Cinnamomum has the same amount of cumarin as the body requires, so it is edible.
Characteristics of Cinnamomum
- For good digestion and gastric problems, Cinnamomum milk is beneficial.
- Cinnamomum is good for controlling blood sugar level.
- Taking Cinnamomum milk helps in Insomania.
- Cinnamomum helps in building strong bones.
- Antioxident properties found in Cinnamomum which prevents from diseases like diabetics, Arthritis and cancer.
- The active principles in cinnamon spice to have anti –oxidant, anti – diabetic , antiseptic , antiinflammotry properties.
- Cinnamon has highest anti – oxidant strength , of all the food sources in nature.
- Eugenol reduce blood sugar levels in diabetic. In a research in the year 1990’s it is found that Ceylon Cinnamomum helps in increasing the efficiency of insulin and helps diabetic patients.
- Cinnamomum activates pancreatic cells to discharge insulin.
Chemical composition of dalchini
- Cinnamon bark oil contains eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, benzaldehyde, methyl amyl ketone, phellandrene, pinene, cymene, cinnamaldehyde, carophyllene , and ester of isobutyric acid.
- Cinnamaldehyde occuring naturally as predominantly the transisomer, it gives cinnamon its flavor and odor.
- Healthy benefiting essential oil, such as eugenolgives sweet aromatic fragnance . eugenol has antiseptic and anesthetic properties.
- Cinnamaldehyde have anticogulant function, prevents platelet clogging inside the blood vessels, and thereby helps prevent stroke.
- Dalchini stick is excellant source of minerals like potasium, calcium, and other. it also contains good amount of vitamin A and niacin.
Advantages of Cinnamomum-(As per the consultation of doctor it is useful)
- Eugenol of dalchini has been therapeutic use in dentistry as a local anesthetic and antiseptic for teeth and gum.
- Diabetes can be controlled by regular using of Ceylon Cinnamomum and it also helps in digesting food.
- Certain types of proteins found in Ceylon Cinnamomum in significant amounts, which helps in releasing method pressure or tension.
- Applying equal amounts of Cinnamomum and honey helps to cure the skin problem. Applying Cinnamomum powder on the face with lemon juice, removes pimples. It improves blood circulation of the skin.
- Taking Ceylon Cinnamomum with milk and honey daily keeps the body energetic, there is no tiredness on the
face too. - Taking Ceylon Cinnamomum with honey and lemon helps in losing in weight.
- Taking Ceylon Cinnamomum with honey daily in the morning provides relief in Arthritis and Cold.
- Consuming Ceylon cinnamomum and honey helps in lowering Cholesterol and hence, less chance of heart attack.
- Ceylon cinnamomum is rich in Magnesium, Fiber and Calcium which with bile salt and gastric juices helps strengthen the digestive system.
- Consuming Ceylon cinnamomum with honey and warm water reduce body ache.
- Ceylon cinnamomum has antifungal properties which helps in cleaning of urinary bladder and when taken with water also helps in curing urine problem.
Disadvantages of Cinnamomum
- Cinnamomum should not be used by a pregnant lady.
- Cassia cinnamomum should be used in very small quantities, otherwise excessive intake of cinnamomum
damages liver.